7 Ways to Incorporate Wellness When You WFH and Sit for Way Too Long

7 Ways to Incorporate Wellness When You WFH and Sit for Way Too Long

Sitting is the new smoking, and we all know that it’s not healthy, either. However, what can we do when it’s the reality that we currently face? Ana Melissa Ortiz shares 7 tried-and-tested ways to deal with your physical slump.

With the pandemic and the enforced stay-at-home rule that is already a year old (Can you believe it?), we cannot help but spend most of our time either sitting in front of the computer or the TV.

It’s important to get moving, even when your space is limited. Take it from someone who has been dealing with painful varicose veins (due to long hours of sitting in front of the computer). It is necessary to be mindful of our working days to ensure that we can counteract the effects of sitting all day long.

Here are some tips to incorporate wellness when you’re seated eight hours or more in a day:

Do something quick in the morning to get some movement. I find that getting that done first thing in the morning is the best way to be energized throughout the day. I’ve noticed there is a difference between days that I don’t work out and days that I do. Exercising in the mornings is proven to increase alertness, improve focus, and better your mood. Look for a fun YouTube exercise and schedule in 20 to 30 minutes of your morning. Afterward, you’ll find yourself pumped and ready for work.

It was the first thing my doctor told me when I complained about my painful varicose veins. He emphasized how important it is to take a break every hour. My smartwatch has helped in reminding me to take my hourly breaks. The watch prompts if you haven’t moved in an hour. So, I go to the kitchen to refill my water bottle or take a quick cuddle time with my cat. A smartwatch is a good investment, especially if you are mostly sedentary.

My varicose veins are so bad that I experience throbbing pain even while sitting for a few hours. My doctor recommended that I wear compression stockings during the day, and it works! I’ve had mine for three years now and swear by them. I wear them when I travel or when I have to sit long hours in the car or bus. Doing this has saved my legs from pain and discomfort. Before I start working, I put on my stockings and get on with my day. It doesn’t give the most flattering look, but who cares? I got mine from my doctor, but you can find compression stockings or socks from your local pharmacy or sports store.

Since you spend eight or more hours working, ensure that your work setup helps in reducing discomfort and increasing your productivity. You’ll know that your work setup is ergonomic when you follow your natural posture, and you don’t end the day with back pains. If you’re still going to work from home in the coming months, invest in a monitor or laptop riser and a good work chair. Make sure you adjust your keyboard and monitor, as well. Doing so prevents injuries in the long-term.

Never underestimate the power of a good nap. A quick 10- to 20-minute nap is enough to recharge your mind and increase alertness. It is also proven to improve work performance, especially when you have a long work shift. The challenge is not to stretch your nap way too long, as this can induce grogginess and affect nighttime sleep.

When I’m flustered, a quick meditation helps me to recenter my thoughts. Headspace has some SOS meditations for when you need a break. Whether you need to reset before working in the afternoon or require some quick pause for when you’re about to burst.

When there’s hardly any separation between work and home, create a routine that tells your body and brain that the day is over. Doing some easy relaxing stretches can at the end of the day help take the tension off your body after hours of sitting. The tightness is real, especially when you’re at the age when text necks and chair hips are a daily occurrence. Give yourself five minutes to stretch and relax.

Keep in mind that there’s no perfect routine. It’s important to adjust and take what you can use into your day. Have you tried incorporating any of these into your daily routine?